Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2013



At the end of each section, look up from the text and in your own words recite an answer to your question for that section. Then write down your answer. Be sure to provide examples that support it. Now repeat the question. Read and recite steps for each section of the chapter. First ask a question for the next section. Then read to find the answer. Finally, recite the answer in your own words and jot it down. The written questions and answers can help you study in the future.
After completing the chapter, review your notes. Identify the main points by looking for the most important idea in each section. Recite, or write, a brief summary of the assignment.
Review your study notes every week to help you remember the information. When it’s time to prepare for your tests, you’ll find you’ve created an invaluable study guide.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


SQ3R =Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review


As you survey the text, ask a question for each section. Ask what, why, how, when, who, and where questions as they relate to the content. Here’s how you can create questions

·       Turn the title, heading or subheadings into questions.

·       Rewrite the questions at the end of the chapter or after each subheading in your own words.

Write down your questions. Questions help you pay attention, understand the text better and recall the information more easily later on.


Read one section of the chapter at a time, actively looking for the answer to your question for that section. Pay attention to bold and italicized text the author uses to make important points.

Be sure to review everything in the section, including tables, graphs, and illustrations—these features can communicate and idea more powerfully than written text.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Note-Taking Strategies

Part 4

For review
Once you’ve done all of the above, you’ll find you’ve created your own personalized study guide. Cover the main section of the page and use the key words and questions in the left margin as a quiz.
Stick to it
Review your notes the day you take them and all your notes once a week. That way, you won’t need to study as much when it’s test time.
You’ve been doing the work all along.
Tryout the Cornell System, but if it doesn’t work for you, experiment with other methods. Ask your classmates how they take notes or ask a teacher for advice. Taking good notes requires practice, like any other skill. And the more you work at it now, the more prepared you’ll be to take notes in college.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Note- Taking Strategies

Part 3

After Class
As soon as class ends, review your notes and fill in any blanks. Underline, highlight and use symbols to sort through the information. If you don’t understand something, get help from your teacher or classmates. After you’ve reviewed all your notes from class, in the left-hand area of the page write down key words and questions your teacher might ask on a test. At the bottom of each page, write a summary of the notes. This helps you digest what you’ve learned. It also improves your memory of the material for the long term and for test down the road.